Friday, March 31, 2017


Churning and turning in the widening quagmire, the best are having conniptions while the worst are full of it. So son-in-law Jared has a new job - to transform democracy into a democrazy. Daughter Ivanka is put in charge of Klepto-Incestpotism. And the Trumpaparazzi have sold out to the Putinazi. Surely, a crisis is at hand. Hardly are these words spoken when every new visage troubles our sight. With each passing day, we ask: What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches in the White House to reap more havoc?


Tim C. said...

A Matter of Respect

I find myself, for the first time, in the difficult position of trying very hard to respect the office of the President. At the same time, try as I might, I have so little respect for the man who occupies it.

That man strikes me as lacking in respect for so many things... the English language, the three branches of government, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the rule of law, the importance of a free press in a democratic society, our international allies and agreements, civil political discourse, women and minorities – just to name a few. Perhaps, most upsetting of all, is his lack of respect for the truth, which he seems to brandish like a cudgel.

I find it impossible to respect someone who has so little regard for anything other than his own personal self interest.

The people who voted for him are not deplorable, taken in perhaps, but not deplorable. The man himself is what is deplorable.

Roberta said...

I feel the same as you. Listening to him today blame the Obama administration for Syria and everything else, makes me sick. He says he takes responsibility. Let's see. That would be a new behavior for him.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Hi Tim,
Some of those Trumpaparazzi are most certainly deplorable.

In today's edition of our local newspaper, The Press Journal, one letter writer refers to an article I wrote some months ago on 'projective identification:” To commit the offense, blame the misdeed on an opponent, exonerate oneself, and create a distraction from a controversy threatening exposure and shame.

Projection, of course, is an especially malicious falsehood when the guilty one feigns innocence, and the innocent one is painted with the brush of guilt.

There is no tactician better than Karl Rove in the artful weaving of projection ... until Donald Trump that is. Notice in the link below the angry trolls and Gish gallops of accusation ... typical troll behavior:

Narcissism, it appears, is not merely the character disorder of a single person. It can also apply to groups of like-minded people. Here is a BBC story on how "collective narcissism" is changing world politics:

bobolink said...

Dear dweller of the deep, a.k.a. octopus,
About your reference to "angry trolls and Gish gallops of accusation": Googled the descriptor "Gish gallop"--here is Urban Dictionary's great take on it for indivisibles to put on the armor of truth. Enjoy.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Good morning, Bobolink,

Who is this masked cephalopod, you ask?

My story begins with ‘Die Verwandlung’ (aka ‘The Metamorphosis’ by Franz Kafka), when Gregor Samsa awoke and discovered his transformation from human to insect. About your resident cephalopod, my transformation was purely voluntary … motivated in part by millenniums of human history and my disgust over their predilection for chicanery and corruption.

To quote the Octopus: “With friends like me, who needs anemones?”

From your online handle, may I assume you are bird? If my assumption is correct, let us unite in common cause against this scourge of humans before they trash the entire planet.

bobolink said...

Another good opus from Octopus from his swash zone--
Thou truly are a many-legged thing.
But a spineless creature for your alias?
Though, in comparison a mollusk such as an oyster
Hardly has a proper brain.
Octopuses can rewrite their RNA.
Is that why they’re so smart?
They can unscrew glass jars from the inside
and solve other complex mechanical problems.
Your brother, Inky, escaped the aquarium
And made it to the Pacific.
His fans had warned: "Watch out--
he is heavily armed!"